Invisalign is an orthodontic appliance that is transparent and practically invisible in the mouth. This feature of Invisalign is one of the main reasons why many patients prefer Invisalign to traditional metal braces. But how long does it take to get used to Invisalign, and what level of discomfort can you expect from wearing the aligners? Please read our article to learn the answers to these questions and our tips for getting used to Invisalign more quickly.
How Long Does It Take to Get Used to Invisalign?
First days with your new Invisalign aligners might be very uncomfortable since your teeth are not used to the constant pressure that aligners apply to them. On top of that, it might be challenging to speak without a lisp, or your aligners might rub the soft tissue inside your mouth.
However, most patients get used to Invisalign aligners after approximately two weeks of constantly wearing them. Note that wearing your aligners at least 22 hours a day is necessary to get used to them as soon as possible. Once your teeth and tissue in the mouth are adjusted to Invisalign, the soreness and other discomfort will go away.
Some discomfort and soreness might occur every time you switch your trays for new ones. However, typically, it takes only a couple of days to get used to a new set of aligners.
What Can You Expect in the First Several Days of Wearing Invisalign?
There are several common symptoms you might experience when you start wearing Invisalign:
Soreness or Pain in the Teeth
Like other orthodontic methods, Invisalign works by applying constant pressure to your teeth. Thus, over time, teeth move through the jawbone and the gums and take the proper position. This process will inevitably cause some level of discomfort, especially in the first several days, until your teeth get used to the pressure.
Soreness of the Soft Tissue in the Mouth
Invisalign aligners tend to cause less rubbing in the mouth than traditional braces with various metal parts. However, they can still rub along the gumline and the tongue for several days when you start wearing them.
Lisp and Other Speech Issues
Our tongue is used to be in a particular position to make the sounds we need for speaking. When we start wearing Invisalign, it occupies some space in the mouth. Thus, the tongue will have to adjust its position slightly over time. Meanwhile, you can experience a lisp or other speech issues.
Tips For Getting Used to Invisalign Quicker
- As we mentioned before, the most important rule that will help you get used to your new aligners quicker is to wear them the recommended 22 hours a day. You should take out your aligners only when eating and brushing your teeth. It can be tempting to remove your trays when you feel uncomfortable and let your mouth “rest,” but this will only slow down the process of adjustment. On top of that, not wearing your aligners all the time will impede the treatment and can significantly prolong the overall time needed to straighten your teeth.
- If you experience lisp or other speech issues, try speaking as much as possible. You can also read aloud and practice tongue twisters and poems. Start by speaking slowly and trying to pronounce all the sounds correctly. The more you practice, the faster your tongue and mouth will adjust to the new position, and the list will go away.
- If you feel significant discomfort from your trays rubbing your gums and tongue, try applying orthodontic wax to relieve the pain and soreness. Applying wax to the trays in the areas where the rubbing occurs will create a barrier between them and the soft tissue in your mouth. If the rubbing and discomfort continue after a couple of weeks of constant wear of your trays, consult your orthodontist. Your dentist can adjust your aligners so that they fit more comfortably in the mouth.
- Thoroughly clean your teeth and Invisalign twice a day. Also, clean your mouth after every meal and rinse the trays before putting them back in the mouth. Doing this will reduce bacteria and prevent inflammation or irritation of the areas where your trays rub the tissue in the mouth.
Start Invisalign Treatment at Dream Smile City
Sign up for a consultation with an experienced dentist at the Dream Smile City dental office today. Our orthodontic specialist will examine your issues and offer you a plan of treatment that will accommodate your goals, needs, and budget. We are looking forward to your visit.